Sunday, January 23, 2011

All Aboard!

So many people have recommended I start a blog to get these images out of my art studio and off the floor, and at least out where someone will look at them. Which is not to say they aren't loved by the people that get to see them, just that until this point I haven't ever really been the kind of person to share. So I suppose if you're going to swim, you might as well jump into the deep end of the pool. I hope nobody yells "shark!" When I first started doing illustrations, it was all wildlife and birds, with the occasional portrait. But honestly I just like icky things better.

At this point, not much to say. But I'm definitely open to comments or questions. Heap praise or derision. That's what they're here for. As time goes by I'll try to explain a little about each piece if anyone is interested. Phew, let's call it good.

(The duck was a study done from a book called The World Encyclopedia of Animals)


  1. Yay! So excited to see more of your work. These are amazing. I've never seen your wildlife work before.

    You have such a fantastic imagination and artistic talent. I can see why you lean that direction. Glad you are sharing them for all to see.


  2. My chest is so inflated with pride, my feet are not touching the ground. I will always be your number one fan. With love, pops.

  3. This is totally wicked! ... More please :)

  4. Awesome idea about posting your art on the net!
    Love the dragons :D

    Keep drawing..painting...imagining...creating...
    Soon we'll organize an exhibition for you in France! MmY.L.
